Psychology Today is a magazine and website that promotes learning and understanding about mental health and related topics. They also have a service to help connect individuals to mental health professionals. In my Publication Design class we were assigned individual articles and had to find a relevant publication and create a three-spread feature story for it with out article.
The article I was assigned was "When Your Child Is a Psychopath" by Barbara Bradley Hagerty. This article was originally published by The Atlantic. It contrasts a story about a family with a daughter diagnosed with psychopathy and research about a new reward-system based method for people with this condition.
This topic fit well within the work of Psychology Today and I researched the grid system I would be applying my design to. However, I wanted to make this design more bold than what Psychology Today normally creates, so I combined their style with the small-scale magazine/zine Anxy. This magazine focuses on mental health topics often ignored by the general media, as well as using very bold and unique design.

The final design of these feature spreads was based on the reward system talked about in the article, and creates an intriguing look to a topic that might otherwise scare a reader. It invites them to learn more about this condition through the article.

Textures for graphics made by Madisyn Caraway.